Sunday, May 8, 2016

A museum and a parade

Today, we visited the Musee des arts et metiers, sort of a technology and industrial design museum.  The Metro stop for the museum was designed to look like something Jules Verne might have created.  It is copper colored, with port holes, and big gears suspended from the ceiling.  In the museum, some of the really old instruments were very nice, but my favorite piece was a late 19th century airplane that was styled after a bat.

Metro station

The bat plane

Old bicycles

Old car

We took the Metro from the museum to Hotel de Ville (city hall).  Soon after we arrived we heard a band playing.  Before we figured out where it was coming from, it had marched beyond us, but we saw a long, elegant string of horse riders.  Today is the official holiday celebrating the liberation of Paris.  So we assume that the parade was part of the celebration.

Passing the Pont (bridge) Notre Dame

Heading east on Quai de L'hotel de ville

The route is just above the Seine, with Notre Dame's high points in the background.

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