Friday, May 19, 2017

Another day biking

We like the bike trail between Le Grau du Roi and Aigues Mortes, so we headed there again this morning to cycle to Aigues Mortes, through the walled city, and around it.  Then we finished our ride with additonal bike trails in Le Grau du Roi.

Bori at the SW corner of the walled city

As we cycle inland, the tower of Aigues Mortes is visible much of the way. The walled city is in great shape, and we enjoy visiting it often, if only to stop for café and to buy cookies.  Today, we rode bikes to the Place St. Louis (inside the walls), and had café at a familiar shop that is located on a corner of roads that pass through two of the portes (gates) to the city.

A porte in the southern wall

A porte in the western wall

While many old structures have gargoyles,  the main porte along the south wall was guarded by what looks like a dog and two cats.

The walled city is a remarkable sight, rising out of the marsh.  Salt ponds are due south.

The south wall

Salt pond

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