Wednesday, February 12, 2014


So far this season, I have only seen two lobsters.  They are both quite edible, so we never tell anyone where we have seen them.  Divers don't take lobsters here on Bonaire, but some locals do.  All lobsters hide during the day, and forage for food at night.

The first lobster (in the photo below) was a slipper lobster, known as the Spanish lobster.  This species grows up to 12 inches long, although this individual was closer to 9 inches.  This lobster is on its side, facing to the right, with the back of its shell visible. Its blue antennules can be seen, just right of center.  It's left eye is visible as a rosette of orange, above and to the left of the antennules.  Remember, it is hiding, so the whole animal is not visible here.  This photo was taken at about 45 feet.

The below photo is of the spotted spiny lobster.  This species gets up to 18 inches long, although today's lobster was probably more like 12 inches.  This lobster is upside down, and facing to the left.  It was in a reef recess at a depth of about 50 feet.  Last year, I found a spotted spiny lobster in the same hole, but I would be surprised if this is the same one that I encountered last year.

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