Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Sights from around the neighborhood

Today we walked along the river a bit, then walked around the neighborhood.  We never know what we will discover.

On the river, a low riverboat full of rock was heading upstream.

In the neighborhood, I found a map of 4th century Arles high up on the side of a building.  This was during the Roman Era.

Nearby, I found this small homage to Van Gogh.  The sunflowers copy his style, and the sketches below simulate the drawings that he included in his letters to his brother Theo.  The lower right sketch translates (roughly) as: Dear Theo, Today the last bee is dead.  Here will stop more pollinators.

And a favorite visual aid of ours, the mustard (moutarde) mural on the building where we turn to enter our street.

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