The prop roots of mangroves provide an excellent refuge and nursery ground for all kinds of juvenile fishes. We snorkeled around the mangroves this afternoon, and I took a few photos of what I saw. The visibility was pretty limited, but we found quite a few Upsidedown Jellyfish (bottom two photos). They were resting on the bottom, with their "arms" extending upward. They ranged from about 4 to 6 inches in diameter.
We also saw several barracudas. One large barracuda was lurking about, chasing many of the small fish, but this juvenile (middle photo, about 6 inches long) stayed around long enough for a photo. In the background are juvenile grunts.
I also found a juvenile Foureye Butterflyfish in the turtle grass (next to top photo). It was only about 2 inches in length. To the right of the butterflyfish, a juvenile gray snapper is visible (about 3 inches). The top photo also shows a juvenile gray snapper.
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