Monday, January 11, 2010

Fish watching

While divers are busy watching fish and other marine life on the reef, it's not uncommon to find that the fish are watching the divers as well. Sometimes a fish will follow us for quite a while. The lower photo is of a saucereye porgy. This fish is about 14 inches long, and has followed us on several of our dives on Bari reef. The upper photo is a schoolmaster. They get up to about 2 feet, and we regularly see them hanging out under large reef structures and soft corals, watching us.


  1. once again your pictures are wonderful... linda from b.c. here
    am missing oregon greatly!! so when you get home... post LOTS AND LOTS of photos!!!

  2. the top one is my most favorite...what a sweet face he or she has and so curious too! Nice picutres Jill; it's been fun for us to watch as you share each one of your dives with us!

    Love you lots!

