Our eight weeks of diving have come to an end. Today I'm posting a couple of fish that we have encountered both on dives and while snorkeling, and probably the same individuals, because both are listed as occasional or rare sightings in the southern Caribbean.
The first fish is the porkfish. It belongs to the grunt family. This fish was about 8 inches long. The diagonal black bands on its head are characteristic markings, and make it easy to identify from quite a distance. The photos were taken at depths of 20 to 30 feet.
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The second fish is the web burrfish. It is a member of the porcupinefish family. It's spines are always erect. This fish was about 7 inches long, and the photos were taken at a depth of about 35 feet.
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Thanks to all the reef fish and creatures for the many photo opportunities that they have afforded me.
Be well!