Sunday, September 29, 2013

What the harvest moon started

Any time a full moon is named the harvest moon, we can't help but feel motivated to harvest something.

September's harvest moon, setting in the morning, over the Pacific

 A fishing expedition resulted in the capture of 2 salmon, one small Chinook salmon, and one large coho salmon.

Chinook on left, coho on right

A mushroom-gathering expedition resulted in 10 pounds of huge chanterelles.  Most of them were the size of my hand.  Also I found the first king bolete of the season.

A week later, our final expedition sought Dungeness crabs.  We came home with 19, which yielded 7.5 pounds of crab meat.

Uncooked Dungeness crabs

Steaming hot, just out of the pot

Cooked crabs in the rinse tank

Since the crabbing expedition on Thursday, we have been under assault from the remains of a Japanese typhoon.  But the freezer is full, and we only lost power for three hours.

Seize the moment and harvest whatever is in season!